Welcome! Thank you for stopping by.
Thank you for shopping the Earthen Collection and the return of some of the colorways from the Joshua Tree Collection! The turnaround time for this preorder is estimated to be about 8-12 weeks from the preorder closing date. For preorder updates, please visit our new Collection Preorder Updates page for the most current information on dyeing progress and how things are going.
Have questions about yarn bases, please visit the ‘Yarn Bases’ page for fiber content and yardage information.
If placing multiple orders, please email to let us know and we will do our best to combine orders into one package if shipping to the same address.
We ship worldwide here on the FPF website! Should you have any issues at checkout please contact us. Please email anytime at fuzzypeachfibers@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Use code HAPPYFIVE at checkout for 5% off your order when you buy 6 or more skeins! If used inappropriately, your order will be promptly cancelled and you will be refunded.
Our cancelation/refund policy can be found on our FAQ page
Free shipping on all orders $300+
Dyed-To-Order Yarn